Video Profile: Sean Mallory, NYC Stand-up Comedian

Sean Mallory is a New York City based comedia. Here is a video profile of him.

“Occupy Upper East Side.”

Nearly one week after their eviction from Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street protesters camp outside of Mayor Bloomberg’s home in the Upper Eastside of Manhattan – with drums, signs, shouting, and interpretive dancing.

Occupy Upper Eastside from Brandon Gates on Vimeo.

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Business Story

Ever wondered how great ballerinas are made? Take a look inside Valentina Kozlova’s Dance Conservatory of New York.

The Business of Ballet from Brandon Gates on Vimeo.

Waking Up on Wall Street – Oct 11, 2011 Report

“Occupy Wall Street” is in it’s 3rd week and many have traveled near and far to be part of the protest. For some, that means sleeping in Zuccotti Park – without access to showers. Here is a short piece I did for a live broadcast for Columbia Radio News on Oct. 11, 2011.


I took pictures on my iPhone4. See them here.

Religion Story

I covered the October 1st parade in NYC, honoring the Virgin Mary.

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Arts & Culture Story

An interview with Brooklyn, NY Singer/Songwriter MeLa Machinko.

Business of Journalism Assignment

Name three trends that have significantly changed economic models for news organizations in the digital age. (no more than 500 words total)

With the increasing popular use of the Internet, news organizations can distribute limitless content. This eliminates the number of articles a news agency can publish; however it changes the way business is conducted because news organizations can no longer predict the amount of readers an article will have. Many journalists and news organizations cannot determine how readers will share their content.

A significant difference in the media business lies in the aggregation model. Newspapers, magazines, and television news organizations allowed publishers and advertisers to sell to advertisements that reach a certain number of its varied audiences. Readers can now go directly to the article without having to view the advertisements.

According to the lecture the unpredictability of viewership of digitally based news websites has caused publishers to undersell advertising spaces, reducing the amount of profit they generate. Publishers also have a difficult task in target marketing.

List up to three advantages that a new, digitally based news company has over a traditional print or broadcast organization. (no more than 250 words)

Digitally based news companies allow articles to be made readily available to the public, regardless of when it was written or published. Even if a subscription is required, users can access these articles rather quickly.

Another major advantage digitally based news companies have over traditional news organizations is their ability to save money. Many of these companies maintain a minimal staff which allow resources to be used on other things.

Journalists who produce content for digitally based news companies have the ability to track their readers by their feedback, shares on social media websites, location, and time spent on the page.

List up to three advantages that a traditional print or broadcast organization has over a new, digitally based news company. (no more than 250 words)

Traditional news organizations have less competitors than digitally based news companies. Their advertisers are loyal and help continue to enhance the brand of the news organization. Research is conducted to determine which type of products its consumers will enjoy learning about.

Traditional news organizations use advertisements that their consumers find entertaining and informative. Digitally based news companies may use advertisements that provide links that are not seen by its consumers, because they choose not to visit another websites.

Many digitally based news companies cannot control criticism that is posted by its consumers. These criticisms may reflect poorly on the journalist or news organization.

Responses to Tips for Social Media

Name some effective ways for journalists to use social media (no more than 250 words).

Journalists should remember to tweet things that will be helpful, useful, informative, or entertaining to his/her followers. Tweeting too excessively or irrelevant things may result in a loss of followers.

Journalists should follow as many people as he/she can handle. It ensures he/she will see diverse tweets and many story ideas can be generated from the timeline. He/she can also provide relevant ReTweets to his/her followers.

Journalists should follow the places they would like to work for; also follow other journalists they admire and would like to somewhat emulate.

Journalists should mention people and organizations (as well as hashtags) in his/her tweets. This is an effective way to generate followers as well as have twitter recommend you to others.

Journalists should constant view the lists they have been placed into. This gives him/her an idea of how others brand you.

Over a one-week period, you might send out dozens of tweets. Please cut and paste a representative sample of 10 tweets you actually sent out any time after Thursday, Aug. 4. These should reflect the kind of tweets you send on a regular basis.

TheBGates: RT: @PippaHayes: Do not fear mistakes, there are none. – Miles Davis

TheBGates: Buying paraphernalia for mom & dad. #goodsontweet (@ Columbia University Bookstore)

TheBGates: @WallStShawty Sorry we missed each other bro. I hope you had an amazing time in NYC. I’m loving it already. #goodluck this semester #GoCocks

TheBGates: Hip-Hop Acrobats in NYC (Union Square) A Photo Essay by @thebgates

TheBGates: @Dre_Nicole meet @kayevalley. She went to Memphis for undergrad & USC for grad school. She knows a lot of ppl at Memphis & can help you out.

TheBGates: Great 56 minutes spent conversing with @pRHOduction. Now off to bed. A long day of #photojournalism lies ahead. #goodnight everyone.

TheBGates: I am watching 60 Minutes.

TheBGates: NEVER calling mom during #SundaysBest – Woman is crazy for that show. She was so distracted I don’t think she realized I was on the phone.

TheBGates: Skype or FaceTime anyone? Due to the #inclementweather & allowing my cousin to borrow my umbrella, I’m bound to the house.

TheBGates: I’ve teased ppl who bought ringtones but now I must put a foot in my mouth & become a hypocrite. I bought Bach’s Cello Suite #1 as my ringer

Please identify five journalists’ Twitter accounts that you have started following after Thursday, Aug. 4.  List each handle and describe, in a sentence why you are following that person.

@JoshElliotABC – Josh Elliot is an anchor for Good Morning America and gave the opening address at orientation for the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Class of 2012.

@davelee – Dave Lee is a freelance journalist for the BBC and Sky News, based in London. He attended journalism school and was hired by the BBC upon graduation.

@jemimakiss – Jemima Kiss is a digital media reporter for the Guardian and uses readers in production of her work.

@documentally – Christian Payne is a freelancer for Reuters and other news mediums. He specializes in video production and uses varied online social mediums to share videos.

@SuzanneMalveaux – Suzanne Malveaux is the current anchor for CNN Newsroom. I watch “Newsroom” almost daily. She is also an alumna of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

Name some ways your use of Facebook might change now that you are in J-school (no more than 150 words).

I will actively delete things off from profile when tagged, such as the varied spam photos and Facebook wall posts.

I will use lists more effectively to monitor my friends, colleagues, and associates. A potential story idea could come from Facebook posts and status updates.

I will more closely monitor my likes on Facebook, keeping in mind that potential employers can see what I “like.”

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Law Assignment

I. What are the elements of a defamation claim, whether it is libel (written) or slander (oral)?

Defamation is a false statement of fact, published to someone, about a specific person that causes harm. There are two kinds of defamation. Libel which is written and slander which is oral. Television news is a libel because it is the script that can be defamation.

II. If someone gives you her name and password to access her employer’s website, should you use that information to access the site?

You should not use this information. It is a bad idea to pretend to be someone else – furthermore there are privacy, hacking & wire tapping laws that prohibit such acts.

III. How much time should you give the subject of an article or video to comment before publication?

It depends on the circumstance. It may be something a source can answer or comment on immediately or they may have to take some time to make a comment.

IV. What is the rule on reading back quotes to sources?  (Something of a trick question)

There is no defined rule. There are two “schools of thought,” on this matter. Some journalists read back quotes and others do not. If you choose to read back quotes, it is a good idea to read them at the end of the interview.

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